Apple Arcade 推出了近 100 款游戏,该服务几乎每周都会添加新游戏,目前库中已有 200 多款游戏。请按照我们的指南了解所有可用的 Apple Arcade 游戏以及最新版本。
您可以前往 App Store 中的“Arcade”选项卡,了解更多信息并下载所有最新游戏,然后向下滑动至最底部并点击“查看所有游戏”。此外,最新的游戏通常列在顶部。
如果您尚未注册,Apple Arcade 第一个月免费,然后 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、Mac 和 Apple TV(包含在 Apple One 捆绑包中)每月 7 美元。
PS5 和 Xbox 无线控制器还与 Apple 设备和部分游戏兼容。
按发行日期列出的可用 Apple Arcade 游戏
24 年 6 月 6 日:本周新内容:
- 疯狂兔子:多元宇宙的传奇
- 返回猴岛+
- 面具之墓+
- 神话般的——婚礼灾难+
24 年 5 月 30 日:本周新推出了 Vision Pro 的 Snowman 热门游戏《Where Cards Fall》。
24 年 5 月 24 日:本周没有新游戏,但这些现有的 Apple Arcade 游戏已更新:
- 什么车?
- 荒谬的钓鱼 EX
- 纸牌故事
- BEAST:Bio Exo 竞技场套装团队
24 年 5 月 17 日:本周没有新游戏,但一些现有的 Apple Arcade 游戏已经更新,包括:
- 凯蒂猫岛冒险
- 迪士尼梦光谷
- 迪士尼着色世界+
- 动物园管理员世界
- 城堡崩溃
- Crayola 创作与玩乐+
- 绘儿乐历险记
Apple Arcade 还将看到以下 Hello Kitty Island Adventure 的更新,那辆车是什么? 、荒谬的钓鱼 EX 以及五月的更多内容。
6 月份将在《NBA 2K24》、《索尼克梦之队》、《气球塔防 6+》、《天天过马路城堡》、《迪士尼 SpellStruck》和《绘儿乐 Create and Play+》中带来新内容。
24 年 5 月 2 日新发布:
- 锯片+的轻微机会
- 夏日流行!
- 骰子地下城+
24 年 4 月 26 日新发布:
- Crossy Road Castle(Vision Pro 的新功能)
- 🌈 3D游戏世界:在全新的动态3D环境中玩游戏!
- 👩👧👦 包容性多人游戏:专为跨所有您喜爱的 Apple 设备的合作平台混乱而设计!
- ⭐️ 直观的游戏:简单直观的控制,带来轻松的沙发游戏体验!
- 复活节彩蛋:令人愉悦的细节仅在 Vision Pro 上提供!
- 纸牌故事(Vision Pro 的新功能)
24 年 4 月 4 日新发布:
- 噗哟噗哟 益智流行
- 西米迷你旅行+
- 超级怪物吃了我的公寓+
24 年 3 月 7 日新发布:
- 气球塔防之战 2+
- 多托邦之战+
- 绘儿乐历险记
2/4/24: BEAST:Bio Exo Arena Suit Team 是一款新的 3v3“宇宙射击游戏”,而 Words in Progress 是一款新的“文字制作益智”游戏。
BEAST:Bio Exo 竞技场套装团队
沉浸在 BEAST 的宇宙冒险中!一款适合所有年龄段的独特 3V3 在线射击游戏。 BEAST 将魅力和刺激与直观的控制融为一体。
– 通过我们易于使用且有益的射击机制释放您内心的冠军,保证无尽的乐趣和兴奋。
– 扮演标志性的动物英雄,探索迷人的科幻宇宙。驾驶被称为“野兽”的强大机械装甲,为家乡星球的荣誉而战。
– 体验动态游戏,拥有在敏捷的 PET 和强大的 BEAST 形态之间切换的独特能力,每种形态都拥有自己独特的能力和武器。
– 来认识一下我们魅力十足的英雄名单:狡猾的猫克莱德、神枪手猫头鹰尼克斯、凶猛的疣猪拉斯蒂和古怪的独角兽 GG Nova。更多不同的角色等待你去发现。
– 参与各种令人兴奋的游戏模式,例如 Payload、Crystal Rush 和 Free For All。每种模式都承诺为你的战斗增添独特的曲折、深度和刺激。
– 在有趣又友好的游戏环境中与朋友和家人合作。当胜利被分享时,它会更加甜蜜。
– 与世界各地的玩家争夺最终荣耀,提升排名并称霸排行榜。
Words in Progress 提供:
– 独特的新文字游戏
– 单人无尽模式
– 多人异步模式
– 长期稳定的学习曲线
– 干净、舒适、清爽的设计
– 适合所有年龄段的乐趣
– 多语言支持
和我们可爱的英雄 Mametchi 一起走遍世界,解决问题、结交朋友,并利用幸福的力量来恢复王国。建造和装饰你的荒野营地,并邀请你最忠实的电子宠物伙伴一起玩耍。
Cornsweeper 是一款冷静而异想天开的游戏,是对深受喜爱的经典游戏的重新演绎。冥想式的头脑清理;爆美味的爆米花,避免爆炸。洛菲&爆米花。
MobilityWare+ 的二十一点
MobilityWare+ 的 Blackjack 现已登陆 Apple Arcade!体验 21 的快感 – 一款适合所有玩家的流行纸牌游戏!
在 Apple Arcade 上畅玩 Disney Dreamlight Valley Arcade Edition,其中包含基础游戏的完整访问权限和扩展通行证 Disney Dreamlight Valley: A Rift In Time。
招募盟友,增强你的团队,征服地下城! PUZZLE & DRAGONS 是权威的益智角色扮演游戏,全球下载量超过 9000 万次。
Turmoil+ 为玩家提供了一种视觉上迷人、半开玩笑的模拟游戏风格,其灵感源自 19 世纪北美的石油热潮。当你努力成为一名成功的石油企业家时,体验一下时代的匆忙和竞争。当你通过开采和销售石油赚钱时,小镇就会与你一起成长。
23 年 11 月 24 日: Delicious – Miracle of Life+ 是最新版本。
与 Delicious – Miracle of Life+ 一起体验时间管理故事游戏!这款深受粉丝喜爱的 Delicious 系列游戏现已在 Arcade 上推出,在一款游戏中为您带来激动人心的时间管理关卡、温馨的故事和有趣的角色。
23 年 11 月 17 日: Downwell+ 已登陆 Apple Arcade。这是一款复古风格的动作游戏,“讲述的是一个人冒险下井寻找无尽的宝藏,只用他的枪靴作为保护。”
独特的武器和物品 – 获取不同的武器,购买特殊的物品并获得强大的升级,所有这些都会叠加并影响你的游戏方式!
每次都是新的冒险 – Downwell 中的每个关卡都是按程序生成的,因此没有两次下井的旅程是相同的,每次都会提供全新的冒险!
23 年 11 月 6 日: 《足球经理 2024 Touch》现已推出,带来“新功能和游戏玩法升级”。
世界上最棒的足球管理模拟游戏将携《Football Manager 2024 Touch》重返 Apple Arcade,开启新赛季。
作为世界上最好的俱乐部之一的老板追逐即时荣耀,或者从《足球经理 2023 Touch》导入您现有的职业生涯以继续进步 – 选择权在您。
23 年 11 月 3 日: Zach Gage 的 Knotwords+“是一款简约而优雅的逻辑谜题 – 带文字。”
23 年 10 月 24 日: NBA2K24 Arcade Edition 已作为主要新版本登陆 Apple Arcade:
享受世界知名 NBA 2K 系列最新游戏的全新方式,无论是在家中还是在路上,都可以在 Apple Arcade 上独家体验!
通过 MyCAREER 扮演您自己的 NBA 超级巨星,玩游戏赢得粉丝并获得 Nike、Jordan 或 Adidas 等标志性品牌的代言。
解锁 NBA 传奇人物,加入你的街球队,与 AI 较量,并赚取 VC,你可以用这些 VC 来首次在 Apple Arcade 上解锁新鞋、配饰、服装和纹身。
在最伟大模式中挑战新的山羊并解锁 NBA 超级巨星和传奇人物的全新阵容。组建你最疯狂的梦想团队,并在终极对决中与其他山羊小队进行最伟大的梦幻团队挑战。
您认为您有能力做主吗?使用 SimCast Live 在联盟模式下测试您的主教练技能。监督你的球队的策略并带领你的 NBA 球队取得胜利!
坐在场边观看观众模式,或通过 NBA Today 玩与 NBA 赛季相匹配的比赛。
更重要的是——这不仅仅与游戏有关;还与游戏有关。这也与你的风格有关!您现在可以定制您的室内 MyCOURT,磨练您的技能,然后通过 Game Center 邀请您的朋友来见证您的伟大!
23 年 10 月 20 日: Crossword Jam+ “是一款与众不同的单词搜索游戏。每日新鲜的单词挑战让您努力思考,您将无法停止!只需滑动并连接字母即可找到单词并增加词汇量!”
23 年 10 月 13 日:广受欢迎的物理解谜系列《割绳子》强势回归,并在 Apple Arcade 独家推出第三个版本。以下是《割绳子 3》的预期内容:
23 年 10 月 6 日:危险! World Tour+ 已于本周登陆 Apple Arcade。
将美国最受欢迎的 Quiz Show® 带到您的指尖,带来真正的 Jeopardy!游戏节目问答体验前所未有。玩官方的危险边缘! World Tour+ 手游现已登陆 Apple Arcade!准备好训练你的大脑,提高你的智商,并成为终极游戏节目问答冠军的明星!
23 年 9 月 29 日: 《Cypher 007》以自上而下的动作冒险游戏的形式登场,背景设定在詹姆斯·邦德的世界中,当时他正试图挣脱精神监狱:
Cypher 007 – 以前所未有的方式体验 Agent 007 的世界。 《Cypher 007》是一款自上而下的动作冒险游戏,其灵感源自 Spycraft 60 年的历史。Cypher 007 将让玩家扮演詹姆斯·邦德的角色,重温他的一些最具标志性的时刻。
犯罪主谋布洛菲尔德和幽灵党的头目再次策划了一个计划来破坏他的宿敌詹姆斯·邦德。这次他使用了被称为“心灵陷阱”的洗脑技术,将邦德囚禁在精神病监狱中,试图将他变成终极的双重间谍。扮演特工 007,执行他迄今为止最具挑战性的任务——逃离心灵陷阱、击败布洛菲尔德并结束 CYPHER 计划。
23 年 9 月 22 日: Junkworld TD(塔防)已登陆 Apple Arcade,带来“大胆的冒险、危险的地形和可疑的同伴”。
23 年 9 月 8 日: 《我的安吉拉 2+》是一款流行的虚拟宠物游戏,由热门《我的汤姆猫》系列的制作者制作。
我的会说话的安吉拉 2+ 是一款虚拟宠物游戏,让每一天都变得更加时尚和有趣。玩家帮助这只时尚的猫咪在她大城市的家中保持忙碌。
- 很棒的发型、化妆和时尚选择
- 史诗般的活动,如舞蹈、烘焙和武术
- 美味的食物和小吃
- 乘坐喷气式飞机的旅行选择
- 小游戏和谜题测试技能和反应能力
- 全新贴纸系列
23 年 8 月 29 日: Samba de Amigo 是一款节奏游戏,于 1999 年首次在街机上推出,随后于 2000 年登陆 Dreamcast。现在,世嘉通过新的 Samba de Amigo:Party-To-Go 在 Apple 上带回了这款广受欢迎的系列游戏拱廊。
与 Amigo 和他的朋友们一起参加全新的 Samba de Amigo,无论您走到哪里,都可以享受派对!用你的沙锤和节奏来摇动来自世界上最流行流派的 40 首热门歌曲,还有更多歌曲即将推出!
- Lady Gaga的《荣耀边缘》
- PSY的《爸爸》
- 菲茨和发脾气的“行者”
与 Amigo 一起踏上征程,将丢失的音乐带回世界!
- 探索Amigo的家乡并完成挑战
- 认识新角色
23 年 8 月 25 日:有限。是一款手工制作的有限动作配对游戏。
- 瓷砖环绕。
- 滑动行或列以匹配 3。
- 动作有限,慎重考虑!
23 年 8 月 18 日:《Kingdoms: Merge & Build》是一款舒缓的 merge-2 体验,Fusion了王国建设游戏玩法,是 Apple Arcade 独有的故事丰富的冒险游戏!
23 年 8 月 10 日: Neograms+ 是一款“可爱的猫咪益智游戏”。
23 年 7 月 28 日:Hello Kitty Island Adventure是一款来自热门系列的全新游戏,让玩家“让一座废弃的岛屿恢复昔日的辉煌”。
23 年 7 月 21 日:屡获殊荣的农业角色扮演/模拟器《星露谷物语》已登陆 Apple Arcade。
搬到乡村,在这款屡获殊荣的开放式农场角色扮演游戏中培育新生活!拥有超过 50 多个小时的游戏内容和新的移动特定功能,例如自动保存和多个控制选项。
23 年 7 月 14 日:Ridiculous Fishing EX是在 Apple Arcade 上推出的热门原作的更新版本。
由原获奖团队从头开始打造的全新 3D Ridiculous Fishing,具有新功能……
23 年 7 月 7 日:LEGO DUPLO WORLD+和Slay the Spire+已在 Apple Arcade 上推出。
首先,流行的儿童应用程序 LEGO DUPLO WORLD+ 通过解锁通常高达 40 美元的应用内购买带来了巨大的价值。
现在,在 Arcade 上,乐高®得宝®世界+充满了开放式的游戏体验,包括动物、建筑、令人兴奋的车辆和火车,可通过学习激发孩子的想象力和创造力。
与此同时,《Slay the Spire+》是一款“套牌构建地下城爬行”游戏,荣获 IGN 2019 年“最佳策略游戏”奖。
23 年 6 月 30 日:百万富翁琐事:TV Game+将热门游戏“谁想成为百万富翁”带到 Apple Arcade,没有广告或应用内购买。
23 年 6 月 23 日:Retro Bowl+已成为 Apple Arcade 的最新游戏。
亲身体验让 RETRO BOWL 成为 App Store 排名第一的一切 – 辉煌的复古风格和简单的名单管理,包括新闻职责和处理脆弱的自我,而在球场上你可以发号施令。你能通过考试并带领你的团队一路获得最终奖项吗?你能赢得复古碗吗?
23 年 6 月 16 日:Jet Dragon让玩家“穿越时空,进入金星世界,飞龙赛车手翱翔天空。”
开发商 GREZZO 表示,Jet Dragon 具有“直观的比赛、强大的对手、具有挑战性的赛道”等等。
6/9/23:Bold Moves+是一款文字益智游戏,Fusion了“宁静的场景、具有挑战性的关卡、每日/每周事件和励志名言谜题”。
此外, 《和服猫》还获得了更新,增加了新的关卡、迷你游戏、成就、物品等。
23 年 5 月 4 日:苹果推出了单日第二大扩展包,有 20 款新游戏登陆该平台。这是所有新内容:
- TMNT 分裂的命运
- 什么车?
- 城市景观:Sim Builder
- 迪士尼魔咒
- 神庙逃亡+
- 国际象棋宇宙+
- 迪士尼着色世界+
- 迪士尼逍遥游爆炸+
- 农业模拟器 20+
- 克服它+
- 爬坡赛车+
- 钢铁陆战队+
- 王国二冠+
- 地狱边境+
- 我的小镇之家 – 家庭游戏+
- Octodad:最爸爸的捕获物+
- 贪吃蛇大作战+
- 时间锁+
- 非常小的噩梦+
23 年 4 月 28 日:Grand Mountain Adventure+将于本周在 Apple Arcade 上发布。
23 年 4 月 21 日:Summon Quest是一款新的“射击和掠夺”策略游戏,共有 60 个关卡。
23 年 4 月 7 日: 《神秘博士:不可能的抢劫》——《神秘博士》官方游戏——将“激动人心的新故事和具有挑战性的解谜游戏玩法带入一场跨越时空的史诗冒险”。
23/3/31: Human: Fall Flat+是一款有趣且“轻松”的物理益智平台游戏,支持单人游戏和多人游戏。
23 年 3 月 24 日:《线索:经典神秘游戏+》现已在 Apple Arcade 上提供下载。这是原创的孩之宝棋盘游戏,适用于 iPhone 和 iPad。
23/3/17:Osmos+是一款令人着迷且身临其境的基于物理的“宇宙生存游戏”。该游戏赢得了一系列荣誉,包括苹果设计奖和年度 iPad 游戏奖,以及 IGN、Pocket Gamer 等机构颁发的类似顶级奖项。
“Osmos+ 具有独特的基于物理的游戏、一流的图形和催眠的环境音轨。
23 年 3 月 3 日:Kimono Cats在日本“祭”节上呈现“迷人乐趣”。
2/17/23:Farmside已登陆 Apple Arcade,让你“打造你的梦想农场!”
2023 年 2 月 10 日:Riptide GP:Renegade+水力喷射赛车现已在 Apple Arcade 上推出:
23 年 2 月 3 日:使用“强大的炸药和神秘咒语”在 3D 物理益智游戏Castle Crumble中炸开一条血路。
23 年 1 月 27 日:Squiggle Drop让玩家发挥“创造力和想象力,通过绘制单个形状并观察展开的过程来解决迷人的物理谜题!”
23 年 1 月 20 日:袖珍纸牌骑师:继续骑行!本周,其独特的纸牌游戏登陆 Apple Arcade。
23 年 1 月 13 日:本周, 《画报》作为 Apple Arcade 上的新游戏上市,提供身临其境的解谜体验,您可以自己玩,也可以与最多三个人一起玩。
23 年 1 月 6 日:角色扮演游戏Episode XOXO旨在让“你的故事充满爱、浪漫、冒险和戏剧性”。
22 年 12 月 16 日: GameLoft 推出了一款以迷你游戏为特色的新冒险游戏《My Little Pony: Mane Merge》 。
完成挑战和成就来收集贴纸并填写您的贴纸书。有超过 120 多个贴纸可供收集,赶快去收集吧!
尝试一下每周的挑战;在《Feed Frenzy》中喂食饥饿的小动物,或者在《Find Sparky》中寻找 Sparky Sparkeroni。”
12/9/22:在 2008 年推出第一款 JellyCar 后,原始开发商与迪士尼合作创建了 JellyCar 2 和 3。不过,这些产品已于 2014 年停产。
八年后,创始人 Walaber 携JellyCar Worlds回归。
经典的驾驶/平台游戏又回来了!十多年后,一款全新的现代 JellyCar 游戏终于问世了!
耶!原创作者(Walaber)回来了,并开发了经典 JellyCar 游戏玩法的全新现代版本。”
22 年 12 月 2 日:横向卷轴动作游戏《Dead Cells+》已登陆 Apple Arcade。
《Dead Cells+》是一款 Roguevania 动作平台游戏,需要您使用各种武器和技能来掌握疯狂的 2D 战斗,对抗无情的小兵和头目。”
22 年 11 月 25 日:SpongeBob SolitairePants是 Apple Arcade 的最新独家版本,为经典纸牌游戏带来了新的变化。
“海绵宝宝发现了纸牌,他迫不及待地想与您和比基尼堡的每一位公民分享! SolitairePants 是在一个方形游戏区玩的。它很容易学习,但你需要有策略地玩才能清除每张牌。”
22 年 11 月 18 日:滑板城更新带来了新的关卡,包含 21 个新挑战和 30 个新目标。
威尼斯带来了超过 21 个新的挑战,以及我们在滑板学院为新手提供的流畅的新教程。前往 Free Skate 进行无限次训练并完成全部 30 个新目标,以获得更多 Skate Cred!”
Old Man's Journey+是 Apple Arcade 上的最新版本。
22 年 11 月 11 日:世嘉的《足球经理 2023 Touch》是 Apple Arcade 上的最新游戏:
“全球最受欢迎的体育管理游戏首次登陆 Apple Arcade。感受成为一名足球经理、培养精英人才并赢得足球最高奖项的快感。
《足球经理 2023 Touch》首次将我们的 3D 比赛引擎引入 iPhone,在掌上游戏中提供最真实的足球管理体验。
是时候让你加入管理精英行列了。来自世界上最大的足球国家的 120 多个联赛触手可及,您在哪里可以找到您的完美俱乐部?”
22 年 11 月 4 日: App Store 编辑选择奖获奖者 Battleheart Legacy+ RPG 已登陆 Apple Arcade。
22 年 10 月 28 日: “简单的规则,具有挑战性的解决方案”是刺绣益智游戏 Stitch 的口号。
22 年 10 月 14 日:冒险游戏 The Gardens Between+ 中的“在超现实世界中控制时间”。
22 年 10 月 7 日:开发商 MobilityWare 推出的 Spider Solitaire: Card Game+ 和 Gin Rummy Classic+ 是 Apple Arcade 上的最新版本。
22 年 9 月 30 日: GRIS+ – 宁静而令人回味的冒险
GRIS+ 是一种宁静且令人回味的体验,没有危险、沮丧或死亡。玩家将探索一个精心设计的世界,该世界以精致的艺术、详细的动画和优雅的原创乐谱而栩栩如生。随着游戏中的轻型谜题、平台序列和可选的基于技能的挑战将随着格里斯世界的更多内容的开放而展现出来。”
22 年 9 月 23 日: Shovel Knight Dig – 动感十足的冒险
结识新朋友和敌人,参观陌生的土地,并装备自己,以防止整个土地在脚下塌陷!在《Shovel Knight Dig》这款全新的《Shovel Knight Dig》冒险游戏中,沿着不断变化的神秘深渊跳跃、砍杀和挖掘!”
22 年 9 月 16 日:花园尾巴:匹配与成长 – 一款轻松的益智游戏
22 年 9 月 9 日:地平线追逐 2
Horizon Chase 2 是屡获殊荣的赛车系列的进化版。这款游戏诞生于街机标志下,将通过身临其境的高速游戏体验满足您的感官。这是街机赛车的黄金时代,以现代且完全进化的体验带回来。
经典的 90 年代标志性游戏玩法脱颖而出,让您的手指严格控制汽车。忘记复杂的设置:您距离超车、叉子和氮气仅几步之遥。毫不眨眼地躲避你的对手。这款游戏易于上手和玩,但很难掌握,需要敏锐的赛车技巧和快速反应才能击败对手并冲过终点线。
在完全 3D 的世界中驰骋,体验独特的艺术风格。从每个景观的鲜艳色彩到不同天气的沉浸式条件,所有这些都通过巴里·雷奇 (Barry Leitch) 制作的惊心动魄的配乐增强,这款游戏将街机体验提升到了艺术境界。新的视野将引导您踏上一场令人惊叹、诱人的视觉之旅,有去无回。
《地平线追逐 2》生来就是为了直播。充满活力的常青活动将让您磨练您的技能并展示您的游乐设施。重大更新将带来新的奖励。不同的游戏模式将带你进入新的挑战水平。每一天都是回来参加比赛的绝佳理由。”
22 年 9 月 2 日: Hanx101 琐事
“通过 Hanx101 Trivia 成为知识问答大师!测试您在从历史到数学、地理到食品等多个类别的知识 – 问题不断出现!打破自己的高分,或在面对面的问答比赛或团队比赛中挑战其他人。仅在 Apple Arcade 上发售。
- 体验 Hanx101 模式并面对 101 个问答题,证明您是问答高手。连续正确的答案会增加你的分数!
- 正面交锋,或组队进行竞争性问答对决
- 赢得通配符来增强您的问答游戏并在解决数以万计的问答题的同时击败对手
- 每次玩时都会学到一个新的有趣事实
汤姆·汉克斯正在向您挑战 Hanx101 Trivia!玩耍、学习、竞争,成为智力问答大师!”
22 年 8 月 26 日:爱你至深+
“Love You to Bits+ 是一款迷人可爱、纯粹视觉、充满谜题、点击式、横跨宇宙的科幻冒险游戏。玩家将跟随笨拙的新手太空探险家科斯莫 (Kosmo) 的旅程,寻找他的机器人女友诺瓦 (Nova)。一场致命事故后,诺娃的碎片散落在外太空,所以现在科斯莫必须取回诺娃的所有碎片,重建她,然后重新组合在一起。探索最奇怪的世界和行星,那里充满了奇妙的外星人、时空谜题和隐藏的物品可供收集。当他们完成关卡时,玩家将会发现科斯莫和诺瓦令人心碎的爱情故事。”
22 年 8 月 19 日:广受欢迎的无尽横向卷轴游戏 Jetpack Joyride 回归,带来全新的“疯狂冒险”。 Jetpack Joyride 2 现已在 Apple Arcade 上架!
Jetpack Joyride 的冒险之旅有了新的高清图像、新的动画、新的机制和新的游戏方式。”
22 年 8 月 12 日:会说话的汤姆+ 已登陆 Apple Arcade,这意味着热门模拟器将充满乐趣,没有广告或应用内购买。
- 会说话的汤姆猫真的会说话
- 可供收藏的时尚和家具物品
- 迷你游戏增添动作、冒险和乐趣
- 旅游目的地等待探索
- 充满回忆的相册
- 和更多
22 年 8 月 5 日: 《神奇炸弹人》是热门动作系列中的全新游戏。新版 Apple Arcade 具有“出色的音乐和视觉效果”,可提供 1-4 人的多人游戏乐趣。
“竞技动作游戏的标志性作品《炸弹人》现已登陆 Apple Arcade!神奇炸弹人是一款新的炸弹人游戏,具有出色的音乐和视觉效果。在随着音乐节奏变化的桌面上享受惊心动魄的战斗。”
- 玩法简单,随时随地享受在线对战!
- 炸弹人与音乐的Fusion!?随着音乐节奏的变化,玩各个阶段。
- 许多歌曲都是专门为《神奇炸弹人》而写的!
- 单人玩家的练习模式。
- 在“朋友战斗”模式下,朋友之间的激动人心的战斗!
- 加入战斗并收集定制项目
7/29/22:王国Rush Vengeance TD+是可用于iPhone,iPad和Mac的苹果街机上的最新标题。
7/15/22:作为Apple Arcade独家出现,现已提供新的Subway Surfers标签。这是开发人员Sybo Games在流行的特许经营中描述新的分期付款的方式:
加入船员,穿越多个限制的互动城市地点。在瑞莱德(Railyard)的退休火车上滑冰,天黑后在公园里玩耍,在货运码头上拿起一些电力或调查神秘的地下。但要小心!警卫不会忍受这些恶作剧,而是您的脚跟很热 – 这次,他带来了增援!
7/8/22: Samorost 3+ – 特殊的宇宙之旅
7/1/22:我的保龄球3D+ – 现实的保龄球
6/24/22:空气旋风 – 滑动射击
6/17/22 :烹饪妈妈:美食! – 掌握厨房
6/10/22: Mobilityware+的迪士尼拼图拼图是Apple游戏服务的最新到达。它带有您最喜欢的迪士尼和孩之宝角色的25,000多个难题,等等。
6/3/22: Frogger正在一场新的冒险,带有3D拼图挑战,Frogger和The Rumbling Ruils。
- 通过操纵地形来引导青蛙穿过废墟!
- 简单而直观的三维难题。
- 各种陷阱和敌人都有100多个阶段!
- 在废墟的最深处,一场凶猛的老板战斗会等待吗?
- 与一群独特的朋友一起有趣而友好的故事。
- 在您的收藏中添加所有遗址中发现的所有宝藏!
5/27/22:在将Pro Snooker&Pool 2022+带到Apple Arcade之后,Iware Designs今天在平台上推出了其流行的Pro Darts 2022+。
同时,为孩子们创造和玩耍的乐趣和教育性的Crayola创作和玩耍+已经获得了最大的更新(这恰好是我五岁的孩子和Pok Pok的游戏之一)。
Pro Darts 2022+
Pro Darts 2022凭借完整质感的3D游戏环境,用于标准和更晦涩的游戏类型的专业定制板,以及数百万个可能的飞镖组件组合,是休闲和认真游戏玩家的完整包装。
这是Crayola Create&Play的全新一天!探索一个全新的创意世界,一切都是互动的!在您装饰,建造和玩耍时,让您的想象力疯狂。
您最喜欢的创意活动都在这里 – 加上一些令人兴奋的新活动!沿着大街漫步,穿过树林,漫游到一个五颜六色的丛林中,沿着闪闪发光的洞穴漫步,或飞入云层。只是为了好玩,请带宠物乘坐想象力的快递,它将带您到任何地方!
5/20/22: Warped Kart Racers是Mario Kart风格的独家新苹果街机游戏。
种族和战斗 – 独奏或多人游戏 – 与美国爸爸的星星,家庭家伙,山丘之王和太阳能对立面!
5/13/22:无论您已经拿起它还是从未玩过的一段时间,现在都可以在Apple Arcade上获得广受欢迎,随机和热闹的山羊模拟器+。
*获取破坏东西的积分 – 向您的朋友吹嘘您是Alpha山羊
5/6/22: Badland Party在Apple Arcade上启动了单人游戏和多人行动。
Badland Party继续创作者追求以令人惊叹的图形和创新的物理游戏玩法来完善大气的侧面滚动冒险。见证屡获殊荣的系列将视觉吸引力又向前迈进了一步,引入了数十个新角色以扮演并允许朋友以本地和在线多人游戏模式一起玩。或与AI同伴一起享受单人冒险。
无论您是独奏还是与朋友和家人一起玩,Badland Party的优雅控件和频繁的检查站都可以轻松地欣赏和享受。然而,即使是最顽固的球员,大量的任务,成就和每周挑战也会给人留下深刻的印象。
4/29/22:多年来,Prune因提供令人上瘾且舒缓的创意经验而受到高度赞扬。现在可以在Apple Arcade上使用。
- 一个独特的数字植物,适合您的口袋
- 美丽,极简主义的艺术和超级干净的界面 – 只是您和树木
- 冥想音乐和声音设计供您禅宗
- 没有IAP,没有货币化策略,没有货币
- 与朋友分享您独特的树木创作的屏幕截图
- 同步您所有设备的进度
4/22/22: Moonshot – 回家的旅程是Apple Arcade上的新的基于物理的Slingshot Space Adventure。它以每周的挑战和35多种不同的皮肤和50多个成就来解锁,在7个世界中具有126个不同的水平。
Moonshot是一款基于物理学的益智游戏,您可以在其中玩耍,以Moon Pi的形式玩,这是一个与地球母亲分离的年轻月亮。使用弹弓力学和导航难题,可以帮助Moon Pi Trek穿越神秘的宇宙,最终回到家中。
4/15/22:苹果街机上添加了两款更受欢迎的iOS游戏。 Pro Snooker&Pool 2022和Construction Simulator 2现在可用。
在全球范围内的体育游戏成功之后,IWare Designs为您带来了Pro Snooker&Pool 2022,这可能是移动设备上最现实,可玩的Snooker和泳池游戏之一。拥有完全纹理的游戏环境和完整的3D刚性身体物理学,这款游戏是休闲和认真游戏玩家的完整套餐。
4/8/22:首先在Apple的3月活动中展示,Gear.Club Stradale现已在Apple Arcade上找到。新的赛车游戏可让您在合作比赛和全球比赛中体验世界上最好的超级跑车。它还具有每日,每周和每月独家内容。
同时,随着Sonic The Hedgehog 2电影着陆的推出,Sonic Dash+(有趣的无尽跑步者)也抵达了Apple Arcade。
Gear.Club Stradale是一个梦想成真:在一座华丽的别墅里度过一个长期的假期,一直在世界上驾驶最美丽的超级跑车。
- 聚集您的朋友,并在意大利托斯卡纳令人叹为观止的地区建立自己的俱乐部。
- 与您的朋友合作每日、每周、每月独家内容,打造您的梦想汽车收藏!
- 建立和改善俱乐部的研讨会,以提高汽车的性能并自定义车辆。
- 在全球比赛中为您的俱乐部辩护,并通过您的进步和成就达到最高排名。
- 得益于智能,类似于现实的驾驶辅助,可以在移动设备上体验最佳的汽车处理,从而确保高可访问性。
4/1/22: Pocket Build提供了在大型开放世界中立即建造数百个物品的能力。
您是否曾经想过自己的小幻想世界?一个农场,某种城堡,还是史诗般的幻想之城? Pocket Build是一款开放世界游戏,您可以在没有限制或限制的情况下进行构建。随时随地构建自己喜欢的任何东西,无论您喜欢。可能性是无止境!
3/25/22: Alto的冒险:这座山的精神是屡获殊荣的开发商Snowman的令人兴奋的苹果街机精选。
3/11/22:从屡获殊荣的开发商Ustwo游戏中,Monument Valley 2现在可以在Apple Arcade上找到。
《纪念碑谷2》(Monument Valley 2)2014年度Apple Game的续集介绍了一个全新的冒险,在一个美丽而不可能的世界中。
3/4/22:资深iOS Action Platformer Shadow Blade已到达Apple Arcade。
- 体验基于括号的自由流动动态运动,真正的长臂猿在树上摇摆的方式
- 掌握杂技动作,包括从另一只长臂猿手中发射到半空中
- 这是一段感人的冒险故事,讲述了长臂猿一家在不断逼近的人类威胁中努力生存的故事。
- 在故事模式中进行长达一小时的冒险,或在解放模式中通过程序生成的丛林奔向自由。
- 令人惊叹的 2D 手绘视觉效果为快速消失的世界注入了生机。
- 探索不同的环境,从东南亚的野生丛林到繁忙的人类世界。
- 长臂猿:除了树木之外,还涉及具有挑战性但急切的环境主题,包括森林砍伐,偷猎和气候变化。
2/18/22:长期运行的iOS Magical Sim Wylde Flowers在Apple Arcade上首次亮相。
Wylde Flowers是一种舒适的生活和耕种模拟,带有巫婆的转折!当您和盟约揭露一个谜团时,逃到一个可爱的世界和魔法咒语的可爱世界!
2/11/22:资深塔防御最喜欢的厨房TD 6现在可以在Apple Arcade上提供有趣的合作动作,最多可提供四名球员。
2/4/22: App Store在App Store上的第一大桥建筑游戏,Bridge构造函数现已到达Apple Arcade。
1/28/22:受欢迎的Waldo-Style Hidden Poloks已乘坐Apple Arcade(2017年App Store游戏)。隐藏的人们都用超过300多个or的手工绘制,以在交互式景观中找到。
1/21/22:网球上的古怪拍摄现已与Nickelodeon Extreme Tennis一起在苹果街机上。
加入Nickelodeon中最喜欢的标志性角色过去和现在,他们参加了有史以来最极端的网球比赛!您最喜欢的Retro Nicktoons聚集在一起,参加终极网球对决:海绵宝宝,当归,罗克,加菲尔德等等!
扮演 Flux Dabes,一名银河卡车司机,他最新的货物被一个名叫 Hewgodooko 的外星威胁脱轨,让你被困在一个外星球上。当你忙着取回包裹时,你将陷入统治世界的邪恶阴谋中,这需要你用尽所有的智慧和臀部来克服。从当地的智慧生活中学习食谱,结交新朋友,揭开古老的秘密和致命的老板,驯服一切,为自己建造一个家外之家,同时学习在沃阿诺普星球上茁壮成长。
1/7/22:受欢迎的纸牌游戏开发人员Mobility Wareware将其心脏和黑桃经典带入了Apple Arcade。
Spades在Apple Arcade上具有新的外观,其中包含全新的目标供您实现!我们还提供了清晰的教程,以帮助您按照自己的节奏学习黑桃游戏!在黑桃比赛中竞争时,放松并训练大脑!
Hearts on Apple Arcade是一款经典的竞争纸牌游戏,Mobilityware的人工智能确保您的游戏具有竞争优势,Hearts Card Master!
这个免费的心游戏将教您如何使用我们的直觉AI玩。我们的人工智能适应您的心纸游戏游戏风格。即使您的对手是一些聪明的机器人,游戏也很公平。但是,虽然扮演它们就像一个挑战,但Mobilityware的Hearts提示AI功能是您可以使用的,并且最聪明! AI机器人对手提供了另一个主要好处 – 您可以离线播放它们,因此无需WiFi即可打球!
提示灯!听到粉丝咆哮!迪士尼近战躁狂症呼吁所有有价值的竞争对手进入聚光灯!在这个令人眼花and乱的街机战场上,您的迪斯尼隆隆声和皮克斯冠军的整体团队参加了快节奏的3V3多人战斗。从Wreck-It Ralph,Elsa和Mickey到Frozone,Moana,Buzz Lightyear(以及Beyond!),请从多个全息迪斯尼和皮克斯冠军中进行选择,并以其独特的技能来提高点。拥抱躲避障碍的混乱,同时在娱乐和疯狂的近战比赛中吵架。
– 5分钟的Melees – 即时战斗的快速比赛。聪明地战斗以使每一刻算!
– 12个冠军 – 从迪斯尼和皮克斯冠军的全部冠军中选出3个派对!
– 多种游戏模式 – 测试您的技能和升级的新挑战!
– 自定义冲突 – 装备角色服装并装备引人注目的小径!
– 常规活动 – ACE每天与一次性奖品进行匹配!赢得胜利,但不要自大 – 总会有一个新的挑战者在等待您的聚光灯。玩耍以解锁新冠军并升级自己的力量,以取得胜利,这是虚拟的!
12/10/21:在2017年,分离器动物赢得了年度iPhone游戏和苹果设计奖。现在可以在Apple Arcade上使用HIT拼图冒险。
12/3/21: 2018年苹果设计奖获奖者动作冠军Oddmar Plus Adventure Metroidvania Side-Scroller Dandara:恐惧试验现已在Apple Arcade上获得。
在Apple Arcade上的新的《星球大战》游戏中,在数百个乐高玩具中构建了自己的游戏乐高音调。发现一个秘密世界,现在是Castaways的家,并在这个新家中建立生活!探索一个新岛屿,结识新角色,比赛微射手,甚至在岛上举行舞会!由古老的文明的技术记录,将自己的单独播放或沉浸在模拟中,跨越了星球大战宇宙的时刻。战斗敌人,解决难题,在战场上建立自己的技能,并学会通过飞行模拟试行!发掘的奥秘,发现地球上生命的日益严重的威胁。
11/12/21:有史以来最受欢迎的射手之一Galaga Wars,可在Apple Arcade上获得。
Galaga Wars+是Bandai Namco的经典街机射击游戏,带给了Apple Arcade。 Galaga Wars+凭借令人惊叹的图形和简单的触摸屏控件,是所有怀旧游戏玩家的令人振奋的记忆之旅,也是每个人都可以享受的即时爆炸。
11/5/21:一款新的PVP游戏已与Transformers Tactical Arena一起登上Apple Arcade。
10/29/21:针对Kiddos 4+的Crayola创建和播放现已在Apple Arcade上使用。
Crayola Create and Play+是官方的Crayola Creativity应用程序,经常进行新的活动,以帮助您想象,实验和每月成长!探索数十种创意,建立信心的游戏,并享受无尽的生产力游戏。 Crayola创建与游戏+鼓励好奇心,艺术独立性和发展自我表达的安全场所。它不仅仅是绘画和着色页!每项活动都有助于发展想象力和创造性的观点……我们都是孩子,每个人都可以发挥创造力!我们的常规内容更新添加了新功能,活动和学习游戏。总有一些新的要探索和掌握!
10/19/21: NBA 2K22 Arcade Edition已在Apple Arcade上启动,并具有Mycareer,MyCourt,快速匹配模式,关联模式,在线多人游戏模式等。
NBA 2K22 Arcade Edition是全球知名,最畅销的NBA 2K系列系列的最新冠军,专门在Apple Arcade上。在硬木上实现您的NBA梦想,并与卢卡·唐西(Luka Doncic),达米安·莱拉德(Damian Lillard),凯文·杜兰特(Kevin Durant),杰森·塔图姆(Jayson Tatum),锡安·威廉姆森(Zion Williamson),安东尼·戴维斯(Anthony Williamson),鲁伊·哈希穆拉(Rui Hachimura),卡尔·安东尼(Karl-Anthony Towns)等今天的顶级明星一起奔跑。
10/15/21:苹果街机的订阅者会很高兴听到iPhone年度最佳游戏冠军,Tiny Wings是最新的成功,这是跳入游戏服务的最新打击。
您一直梦想着飞行 – 但是您的翅膀很小。幸运的是,世界充满了美丽的山丘。跳跃时使用山丘 – 滑下来,拍打翅膀然后飞起来!至少暂时 – 直到这种烦人的重力使您恢复到地球。但是下一个山已经在等你。当心晚上,尽可能快地飞行。否则,飞行只会再次成为梦想。
在欧洲和许多其他国家 /地区的App Store Rewind 2011年,Tiny Wings被选为App Store Rewind的年度iPhone游戏。谢谢Apple,非常感谢所有小翼球迷!
10/8/21:热门的Frogger-Style重新构想为iOS-ER时代的Crossy Road现在可以在Apple Arcade上使用。
随着CrossyRoad®重新想象Apple Arcade,跳回冒险。
加入Crossy Chicken,收集所有角色并发现Crossy Road Park。
10/1/21:高强度,屡获殊荣的节奏游戏Thumper:Pocket Edition已降落在Apple Arcade上。
9/24/21: Lego Star Wars Battles本周在Apple Arcade上进行了。
带领您最喜爱的乐高®星球大战™角色在受整个银河系标志性地点启发的竞技场中进行实时多人 PvP 战斗!
当Ewok搭配Tusken Raider时会发生什么?一群porgs可以在僵持处解决突击队吗? Chewbacca可以和Boba Fett脚趾对面吗?谁会在尤达(Yoda)和达斯·维达(Darth Vader)之间的摊牌中获胜?
9/17/21:本周新的是侧滚动动作游戏Castlevania:灵魂和寺庙的Grimoire Run:Puzzle Adventure。
备受喜爱的哥特式幻想系列以“ Castlevania:Castlevania:Souls Grimoire”独有的原始游戏返回!
玩庙宇以前从未像现在这样! Beat Match 3难题揭示了古代寺庙领域的奥秘。创建强大的连击,并使用特殊的作品成为庙宇冠军!
当您解决难题时,请协助伟大的冒险家,考古学家和圣殿跑步者斯嘉丽·福克斯(Scarlett Fox)克服沿途的神秘障碍。
9/10/21:从iOS跳到苹果街机的最新跳跃是拼图/SIM Mashup Zookeeper World。
Zookeeper是由超过3000万人玩的权威动作式游戏游戏,现在可以作为Apple Arcade独家提供!
9/3/21:今天,流行的iOS Classic Layton的神秘之旅MasterChef:让我们做饭!和禅宗弹球派对。
8/20/21: Tetris Beat已在Apple Arcade上抵达。
Tetris®Beat – 世界著名的Tetris®益智游戏正在阻止新的节拍,将其热门游戏与独家音乐和创新的节奏力学Fusion在一起。该游戏以令人难以置信的音乐家的各种阵容为特色,包括艾莉森·仙境,Garza,Hannah Diamond,Octo Octa,Dauwd,Cinthie等,以及每月最热门和新兴的人才的新独家歌曲。
8/13/21:来自Capcom的神奇宝贝风格的RPG怪物猎人的故事已经到达Apple Arcade。
该游戏的苹果街机版本包含与其他地方可用的Monster Hunter Story应用程序相同的内容。播放前请阅读“重要笔记”部分。
– 招募无数的蒙台!
– 在网络战斗中与您的Monsties战斗!
– 智能手机版本的新功能!
• 故事
这个故事始于骑手村附近的森林。三个年轻的朋友 – 英雄,莉莉亚和雪瓦尔 – 阳光明媚的鸡蛋。
8/6/21:另一个非常受欢迎的iOS冠军已经到达苹果街机,超级Stickman Golf 3。所有优质内容都使用此版本解锁,当然也没有广告或应用内购买。
Super Stickman Golf 3是一款2D高尔夫游戏,里面充满了惊人的课程,疯狂的力量UPS,有趣的收藏卡,野生游戏模式,当然还有很多多人游戏疯狂。大师师赛,在基于基础的头部比赛中与朋友与朋友保持平衡,或者在实时比赛中最多8位球员到杯赛!
7/23/21: Jetpack Joyride是最新的iOS击中苹果街机上的iOS。无论您是第一次捡起还是兴奋地重新发现它,都是经典的无尽跑步者传单现在可用。
7/2/21: Solitaire Stories是最新流行的iOS标题,可以跳到Apple Arcade。
6/17/21:两个新冠军已经登陆了苹果街机。 Frenzic:加时赛是对2007年首次在Mac OS X上首次推出的IconFactory的原始流行拼图的翻拍。与此同时,模拟冠军游戏Dev故事也出现在Apple Arcade上。
Frenzic:加时赛结合了快节奏的引人入胜的游戏,令人惊叹的视觉效果和声音中的街机风格益智游戏,玩家可以轻松拾起并玩。 Life on the factory floor at Frenzic Industries can be a bit chaotic as players assemble Power Cores for the new ZAPBOTs. As players meet their shift goals in a timely manner, they'll be promoted to more rewarding positions on the assembly line. Players will face over 45 levels, multiple gameplay modes and hundreds of mini-goals as they uncover the secrets of Frenzic Industries, and ultimately, save the world.
Easy to learn, challenging to master — it's fun for the entire family! This blast from the past steps into the future!
And here's the description for Game Dev Story:
Manage your own game company and try to create a million-selling game in this unique simulation.
Features the ability to develop your company's own game console, plus a system for changing your staff members' professions.
As your staff gets more experience, you will unlock a wider array of game genres and content to develop. Try to find the most popular combinations and develop for the latest platform!
您的员工可以拥有各种与游戏相关的职业,从程序员到音响工程师。Work hard and you may reach the top of the video game industry!
6/11/21: A new medieval fantasy RPG has landed on Apple Arcade with Legends of Kingdom Rush :
在这款带有 Roguelike 元素的精彩 RPG 游戏中,踏上王国保卫战中世纪奇幻世界的史诗之旅!
5 Legendary Heroes, like the mighty paladin Gerald Lightseeker or the cunning shadow assassin Asra Daggerfall, will be awaiting your command.
11 Companion Heroes, with different skills and powers, like the resourceful forest ranger, the volatile dwarven bombardier, or the menacing dark knight will follow your Legends to victory!
在基于六角形的网格上战略性地移动你的英雄,使他们的技能最适合你的战斗策略。切换并匹配你的英雄和同伴,直到你为每场战斗找到理想的团队!EXPERIENCE THE KINGDOM RUSH NARRATIVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE
通过 100 多个叙事事件,了解有关《王国保卫战》世界的更多信息,同时穿越茂密的森林、崎岖的山脉和满目疮痍的荒地。
5/27/21: After almost two months since we've seen fresh Apple Arcade games, a new “crazy puzzle adventure” has launched – All of You .
From the creators of Love You to Bits and Bring You Home, Alike Studio presents All of You.
All of You is a cute, purely visual, accessible, family-friendly puzzle adventure with unique gameplay. Play and pause time in every part of the level to unveil the right path for the main character.
You will follow the journey of a clumsy chicken traversing all kinds of places in search of her lost chicks.
Explore strange places filled with fun characters, exciting surprises, and many treacherous dangers – all to find every one of your chicks.
4/23/21: Skate City from Snowman has received a nice update today on Apple Arcade with a new endless mode:
Get ready to make your mark in Pro Skate.
Set your highest score in an endless run through Los Angeles with all new generated skate features that make no two runs the same!
See how far you can travel through the city while linking combos and perfect tricks together to set new records. Watch out for security guards and new obstacles because as soon as you crash your run is over!
Compete for the top spot in our leaderboards, and complete all 60 new objectives included in this mode. Only available in LA for now.
4/2/21: Apple Arcade has gotten a huge update today with 30+ new games ranging from big titles to iOS and traditional hits.
- Apple Arcade gets massive expansion with 30 new games, including hit iOS classics and more
To check out all the new games, you can head to the App Store > Arcade tab > swipe down to the bottom > tap “See All Games.”
3/26/21: Two new games have arrived on Apple Arcade today, Farm It! and Hitchhiker .
Welcome to Farm It!
Take your time to play amazing mini games in order to get resources to build your farm world.Embark on an adventurous journey: by playing fun mini games, obtain resources and decorate different areas of your farm and enjoy the company of fun and amazing in-game characters and cute animals.你在等什么? Indulge yourself in some farming and build the most amazing farm world.
Build your dream farm!
And Hitchhiker is a road-trip mystery:
Hitchhiker is a mystery game set along lost highways, where your goal is to solve the puzzle of your own backstory. As a hitchhiker with no memory or destination, you catch a series of rides across a strange and beautiful landscape, tracking the mysterious disappearance of a person close to you. Your drivers range from stoic farmers to off-duty waitresses, and each one has a story to tell. Clues appear, alliances emerge, and nothing is quite what it seems.
As your journey continues, you must decode the events of your past while confronting the dangers that lie ahead. Hitchhiker is a road-trip odyssey about exploring the unknown in order to find yourself.
3/19/21: Apple Arcade has gained the new sim game Cozy Grove . It's a spookified look at the genre that takes place on a “haunted, ever-changing island.”
Welcome to Cozy Grove, a life-sim game about camping on a haunted, ever-changing island. As a Spirit Scout, you'll wander the island's forest each day, finding new hidden secrets and helping soothe the local ghosts. With a little time and a lot of crafting, you'll bring color and joy back to Cozy Grove!
3/5/21: SP!NG is the newest Apple Arcade title. It's a physics action-puzzler and feels like a mashup between Cut the Rope and Sonic the Hedgehog.
SP!NG is like a stress ball for your brain
Experience the zen and skillful world that is SP!NG.
With only one touch, flow through hundreds of hand-crafted levels.
Unlock new themes that change the look and feel of your experience.
Earn new characters and perfect levels to unlock new challenging modes.
2/19/21 : The latest to land on Apple Arcade is the zombie action title Survival Z.
After the event, humanity lies on the brink while zombies dominate the landscape! You are a survivor. Armed with your wits and bravado, you are determined to save all who remain.
Your goal is clear: find survivors and seek out a way to exterminate the undead menace. Choose your way along randomly generated routes to build and battle your way through environments crawling with zombies.
- Blast your way through a wide range of zombie types.
- Place traps and obstacles to increase your chances of survival.
- Collect and upgrade equipment to power up your character.
- Ever-changing routes create endless replayability. No two runs are the same!
- Bring other survivors into the fold and fight alongside them.
- Unique story events that with extra rewards…for those who can survive them.
- Over 15 playable characters, 50 unique levels, and infinite possibilities for fun!
2/5/21: New toady for Apple Arcade is lumen. – a puzzler with light, mirrors, and lenses.
流明。 is a puzzle game with unique mechanics, where you have to solve levels using lights, lenses and mirrors.
You will find yourself in the old attic and discover the mysterious antique box of Ms. Olivia McLumen, who lived in Scotland over a hundred years ago and was a great inventor of her time, she saved her inventions in cinematic frames for you to restore.
1/29/21: Populous Run for Apple Arcade is a fun and quirky “unconventional running game where you control a crown of people.
- Dodge giant fast food
- Slide down pipes like at a waterpark
- Battle rapper bosses, including Macaron, Donut, and Burger
- Test yourself in Hardcore mode
- Collect all the secret characters who are hidden in the levels
- Show your respect for the upbeat original soundtrack with its choral singing
1/22/21: Apple Arcade gets two new titles for today: Spire Blast – a physics-based match puzzler and NUTS – a surveillance mystery involving squirrels.
Take a step into the colorful world of Spire Blast. With your ever hungry dragon companion collapse numerous mysterious towers of all shapes and sizes that have risen all over the kingdom. Test your wits and skills, use all the tools at your disposal and you will emerge victorious!
Gear up your caravan, boot up your GPS, spread out your map and head for the depths of Melmoth Forest. As a rookie field researcher, you'll place cameras during the day, and watch the footage at night, tracking the movements of a scurry of squirrels.
Where do they hide their nuts? What puzzling routes do they take? And why do they behave so strangely?
1/8/21: The first launch on Apple Arcade for 2021 is Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon . Check out the launch trailer here and read more below:
A long time has passed since the White City was washed from the face of Gaia – and the once magnificent Kingdom of Arcadia was shattered into hundreds of islands of the Uncharted Sea.
Four adventurers have set on a journey to restore the world to its former glory. Following传闻and prophecies, they have found a way into a mythical underground complex, Chronos Dungeon.
Deep down, hidden somewhere, lies the Paradigm Hourglass, an object powerful enough to alter history. Will you find the route to the bottom floor, and what challenges await you inside Chronos Dungeon?
Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is a dungeon crawler featuring four players couch co-op, inspired by 16-bit arcade classics. Fight side by side with your friends, or control all four heroes by yourself – will you make it to the bottom of Chronos Dungeon?
If this is your first game in the genre, don't worry – Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is easy to pick up even for newcomers and will keep you and your companions entertained for hours!
Randomized modifiers make each level unique, and each run unexpected. Heroes start every game with different stats, depending on the zodiac sign they're bound to, and each of the four adventurers, Knight, Huntress, Grandmaster, and Mage, feels and plays differently. If less than four local players are available, the idle adventurers can be selected on the fly by any player.
Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is a new chapter in the Oceanhorn universe, set 200 years after Oceanhorn 2. Find out if our heroes can defeat Chronos, and change the course of history!
12/11/20: An exciting release today on Apple Arcade comes from ustwo games, the award-winning developer behind the hit game Monument Valley . The new release is Alba: A Wildlife Adventure .
Join Alba as she visits her grandparents on a Mediterranean island. She is ready for a peaceful summer of wildlife exploration with her friend Ines, but when she sees an animal in danger, she realises she needs to do something about it!
This is truly a Mediterranean paradise if you ignore all the litter! From the idyllic beaches to the ancient castle overlooking the town a whole island is ready to be explored. With Ines and your grandfather – who is a total bird nerd – by your side, you can start the movement to save the island. Maybe even the world after that.
- Handcrafted visuals. Every little corner of the island has been looked after with great detail. Trust me, it took us a while to make it
- Join Alba and Ines to found the AIWRL (really rolls off the tongue doesn't it?), an organisation that can save the island
- You will need to gather a bunch of volunteers and the town is full of good people. Help them out and convince them to join you
- There are animals everywhere, can you find all the species?
12/4/20: Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes is now on Apple Arcade bringing an interesting mashup of pinball and tower defense.
Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes fuses Classic Pinball and Tower Defense in an exciting sequel to the award winning Zombie Rollerz franchise crafted especially for Apple Arcade!
-Roguelike gameplay ensures hours upon hours of exciting, replayable content
-Fight adorkable zombies in a cartoon world
-A next-gen pinball experience combined with tower defense
-Discover and unlock hundreds of combinations of heroes and powers
-Unique Zombie Bosses change up the challenge
11/27/20 : Apple Arcade's new game for Black Friday is Warp Drive – Teleport Racing! and as the name suggests, it comes with a fun twist.
WARP DRIVE is a fast-paced, arcade style racing game with a brand new way to drive: instantly TELEPORT around the track to find shortcuts and hidden routes! Take control of your QUAD ROTOR RACER, equip a Warp Module, and enter a series of high-speed tournaments to test your skills and creative driving abilities. Drive on the ceiling, jump huge canyons and race up waterfalls in an epic inverted racing battle!
Compete in a series of dynamically generated tournaments, with random options providing a different experience every time you play! UPGRADE your car between races, gradually adding more capabilities to DRIFT, BOOST, or WARP your way to victory. Follow the advice of your outspoken manager, Lenny, or just ignore whatever he says… what do aliens know about racing, anyway?!
11/12/20 : The Pathless comes to Apple Arcade as the latest adventure title:
From the creators of ABZÛ, The Pathless is the mythic adventure of an archer and an eagle in a vast forest.
11/6/20: Apple Arcade has gained both the new “crazy puzzle adventure” All of You as well as the intergalactic rock band-based Reigns: Beyond .
10/30/20: The latest to arrive on Apple Arcade is South of the Circle a narrative adventure game about love, memory, and survival.
Antarctica, 1964.
A crashed aircraft, tail to the sky.Cambridge academic Peter stumbles from the wreckage in search of help, fighting the cold. As his attempts to escape the ice grow more desperate, the lines between his past and present begin to blur.
A love story between colleagues Peter and Clara, set against the backdrop of the Cold War, South of the Circle is a narrative adventure game about memory, survival, and the consequences of not dealing with the past.
Coming Soon to Apple Arcade: Reigns: Beyond
Take on intergalactic stardom while recruiting alien band members and navigating your way through a space tour!
⏰ Click to get a reminder when it's available:
— Apple Arcade (@AppleArcade) October 14, 2020
10/9/20: New to Apple Arcade today is The Survivalists , a multiplayer island adventure from the developers behind Worms and The Escapists .
A World of Adventure and Possibilities Awaits!这座岛还活着!当你探索并揭开它的秘密时,你的新家将随着昼夜循环而改变。
Hunt (or be hunted by!) animals for food and an array of mythical enemies, who aren't necessarily pleased to see you. Get quests from a Mysterious Stranger or find them washed up on the shore. Prepare to trek into a procedurally generated wilderness, with a variety of biomes, for an adventure that's unique to every player.
10/2/20: Slash Quest! has arrived on Apple Arcade. It's a unique adventure game based on wielding a growing sword.
The Queen's evergrowing talking sword is lost in a faraway land. Luckily you showed up to wield it back to the castle. You do know how to swing a sword, right?正确的?!
Forget your power fantasy. Slash Quest's simple yet unfamiliar controls will put you in the shoes of an unlikely knight with a big heart, an even bigger weapon, and absolutely zero skills.但不用担心! Just like Shep and Swordie's friendship, before you know it everything will feel right and everyone will be counting on you to save the Queendom.
9/18/20: New on Apple Arcade today includes: Samurai Jack and Marble Knights. The first is an action RPG title, while the latter takes you into battle with a marble-mania adventure. It looks like both were previously released and these are the latest updates.
- 武士杰克
- Marble Knights
9/10/20: The latest title added to Apple Arcade is a puzzle game called A Monster's Expedition .
From some of the best puzzle designers in the world comes A Monster's Expedition, an adorable and relaxing open world puzzle adventure for monsters who love to learn about humans.
By pushing trees over to create pathways, you'll explore hundreds of islands near and far to learn about the history of “humanity”.
Immerse yourself in human culture with all-new exhibits from the “Human Englandland” dig site, each accompanied with expert insights*!
*Insights is not a legally binding term and may or may not include idle speculation, rumour and hearsay.– Adorable open world puzzle game from the creators of A Good Snowman is Hard to Build and Cosmic Express
– Simple but deep mechanics packed with possibilities to discover
– Hundreds of islands to visit – some right in front of you, others well off the beaten track for true puzzle lovers
– Learn about the mythical humans from the perspective of curious monsters
9/4/20: World's End Club has landed on Apple Arcade. Here's what to expect with the new action-adventure game:
Twelve 12-year old kids go on a 1,200 km journey.
A new type of action-adventure game that fuses a thrilling story with 2D side-scrolling action.
A “dream team” adventure game with scenario written by Zero Escape series creator, Kotaro Uchikoshi, and Danganronpa's Kazutaka Kodaka as creative director.
– Simple controls
– A fusion of 2D scrolling puzzle-action game and story-adventure game
– Key player choices alter the course of the adventure throughout the branching story
– 12 unique and interesting characters!
– Famous locations all over Japan
– The story unfolds in… unexpected ways
8/27/20: The Last Campfire joins Apple Arcade as the newest adventure game on the service.
Travel deeper into the lands beyond the dark forest and overcome the adversities before you.
Discover beautiful wilderness filled with lost folk, strange creatures and mysterious ruins.
Find hope and carry it with you on your Journey to light The Last Campfire.
A unique tale from Hello Games and the creative minds behind LostWinds.
8/21/20: Adult Swim’s Samurai Jack is the newest game to hit Apple Arcade:
他回来了! Become Samurai Jack, the greatest warrior to ever brandish a katana!
Journey through time and finally stop Aku's evil reign in this new adventure from the creators of Samurai Jack.
Voiced by the original voice-actors, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is an action RPG game that spans across time and space, where your actions will determine a new legend!
Encounter your favorite characters from the show including The Scotsman, Scaramouche, Sir Rothchild and more!
Immerse yourself in an untold adventure that ties into the epic series finale. Team up with trusted allies from the show to face off against familiar enemies. Defeat ninja foes!EXPLORE WORLDS FROM THE AWARD-WINNING SERIES
Visit classic worlds and moments from your favorite episodes. Travel to a dark future to free mankind. Dive into the past to face off against diabolical monsters. Seek your fate as you travel across space and time.CREATE YOUR OWN LEGEND!
Equip and master over a dozen different weapons in combat. Increase your power even more by training and unlocking new skills to support your playstyle.你的时刻到了。 Become Samurai Jack, the greatest warrior of the past, present and future. Enjoy one of the most unique and iconic gaming experiences available on Apple Arcade today!
8/14/20: Next Stop Nowhere lets players take an outer space road trip with some neat game elements.
- An intelligent conversation system with branching dialogue that changes your relationships and the story based on every decision
- A spaceship that comes fully equipped with his own personality
- A completely unique version of space (the outer reaches of a dilapidated galaxy) filled with colorful skies, treacherous asteroids and a several orbits to explore
- A thrilling and thoughtful narrative brought to life by a vibrant cast of voice actors
- Cross-device play through Apple Arcade
8/7/20: Apple Arcade gains Game of Thrones: Tale of Crows as the newest title taking players back 8,000 before Jon Snow.
In the shadow of the Wall, your watch begins. Eight thousand years before Jon Snow took the Black, the Night's Watch was formed to secure the Wall and defend the border of Westeros against the perils of the North, and all that lies beyond. Into these untamed wilds, sworn brothers and their allies set out on rangings to face the dangers that would threaten the realm. But the Wall is a blade that cuts both ways.
Guide the decisions of Lord Commanders through the seasons and mount expeditions beyond the Wall. As ravens travel to and from your expeditions in real time, their messages are delivered to you throughout your day. Respond with your command right away, or whenever you see fit.
Long is the history of the Night's Watch, and many are its stories forgotten. It's time the realm remembers them.
7/24/20: Landing on Apple Arcade today is The Lullaby of Life , an adventure game with a focus on music, relaxation, and agility.
In The Lullaby of Life you are the catalyst for change in a universe currently inert but filled with potential.
Explore this amazing world that combines relaxation, dexterity and agility, and help it reach its maximum splendor using the power of music to make life bloom.
This adventure has no textual elements, and wearing headphones is highly recommended. Let's write together a new story about the origin of life!
7/17/20: Necrobarista is the newest addition to Apple Arcade. Here's the description of the new dark adventure title:
In a back-alley Melbourne cafe, the dead are granted one last night to mingle with the living.
For Maddy Xiao—barista, amateur necromancer, and new owner of the Terminal—things couldn't be better, as long as you're not reminding her of the fact that she's got an enforcer from the notoriously uncompromising Council of Death breathing down her脖子。
7/10/20: New to Apple Arcade today is a dark and eerie adventure puzzler called Creaks .
The ground starts shaking, light bulbs are breaking – and something rather unusual is happening right behind the walls of your very room. Equipped with nothing but wit and courage, you slowly descend into a world inhabited by avian folk and seemingly deadly furniture monsters.
From the creators of indie classics Machinarium and Samorost comes Creaks, a new puzzle adventure game that delights the senses with its hand-painted visuals, precise animation, eerie sounds, and an eclectic original score from Hidden Orchestra. Proceed at your own pace at figuring out the solutions to dozens of carefully designed puzzles, explore the mansion for hidden paintings, and uncover the great secret.
6/25/20: A big release today on Apple Arcade is the futuristic adventure thriller and sequel to the popular Beneath a Steel Sky, Beyond a Steel Sky .
From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind 'Watchmen', comes 'Beyond a Steel Sky', the long awaited sequel to the cult classic 'Beneath a Steel Sky'.
You are Robert Foster. A child has been abducted in a brutal attack. You have vowed to bring him home. But the trail has led you from your community of desert wasteland dwellers, to Union City, one of the last remaining mega-cities in a world ravaged by shattering wars, and political meltdown.
Fortified and impenetrable, it is a utopia in which people live happily under the surveillance and control of a benign AI. But all is far from what it seems…
'Beyond a Steel Sky' is a dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller in which engaging puzzles drive a fast-paced narrative set in a dynamic gameworld that responds to – and is subverted by – the player's actions.
• An adventure set within a dynamic world, populated by willful characters driven by motivations that the player can subvert. In combination with a unique hacking tool, multiple solutions to puzzles emerge from player choices.
• Unravel dark conspiracies, defeat a terrifying antagonist in this dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller, which explores contemporary themes: social control, AI, and total surveillance.
• Intelligent puzzles are interwoven with an intriguing dramatic narrative to deliver a compelling gameplay experience.
• A beautifully detailed, comic-book styled world, from the mind of legendary comic artist Dave Gibbons.
Thanks, Sigmund!
6/12/20: A new side-scrolling adventure game has arrived today on Apple Arcade called Little Orpheus .
The year is 1962 and 美国航天局 are trying to put a man on the moon. In a remote corner of Siberia, a Soviet cosmonaut is heading in the other direction. Comrade Ivan Ivanovich is dropped into an extinct volcano in his exploration capsule, Little Orpheus, to explore the center of the earth. He promptly vanishes.
Three years later he emerges claiming to have saved the world. He has also lost the atomic bomb powering the Little Orpheus. He is taken to a top secret bunker deep below the Ural mountains to be debriefed by the fearsome General Yurkovoi, a man so frightening even Stalin won't buy him a drink. The General rolls up his sleeves, fixes Ivan with a steely glare and say “So… where have you been comrade? And where is my bomb?”
And Ivan looks him right back in the eye and says “Well General, you might not believe what happened to me, but I'll do my best. Because it happened like this…”Join our bold yet hapless hero as he explores lost civilizations, undersea kingdoms, prehistoric jungles and lands beyond imagination. Gasp as he battles the subhuman tribe of the Menkv and escapes the clutches of dreadful monsters! Cheer as he triumphs over impossible odds and brings socialism to the subterranean worlds!
Little Orpheus is a technicolor side-scrolling adventure game inspired by classic movies like Flash Gordon, Sinbad and The Land that Time Forgot. Delivered in eight bite-size, commute-friendly episodes, Little Orpheus is simple enough for casual players but rich enough for seasoned adventure fans.
If you're a fan of old school family blockbusters, want a rollercoaster story that'll take you to the Earth's core and beyond, or are just in some need of ideologically correct entertainment, join the most unlikely hero to hit Apple Arcade on an adventure beyond belief. With stunning visuals, brilliant acting and a world-class score, Little Orpheus is a pocket-epic you'll never forget.
Comrades, to the center!
6/4/20: It doesn't look like we're getting a new Apple Arcade title this week but there is a major update for the popular RPG Oceanhorn 2 with the Golden Edition today (via CNET ). The expansion marks a great time to replay the game or jump in for the first time.
Introducing the Golden Edition!
- The Shield of Chronos expansion, which adds a new main item and a brand new dungeon to explore
- The Criminal Hunt expansion, a unique series of side quests that will take you all around Gaia chasing down bandits such as Sir Stingalot and Baron Slimethorn
- An expanded ending, with never-before-seen scenes that will shed light on our heroes' destiny
- A new, optional, 60fps mode supported by all high-end devices
- Most powerful Power Shards can now be discovered
- Added realism with a stunning new Physically Based Water Simulation
- Polished user experience, including overhauled menus and improved gameplay communication
- A lot of new spoken dialogue and new songs
- New dangers to overcome for the courageous among you!
There's never been a better time to start your RPG adventure – or to jump back in! The Golden Edition update is packed with new, exciting content, and it's the best version of the game to date!
5/28/20: Apple Arcade has added a new game from Nickelodeon called SpongeBob: Patty Pursuit . Here's how it's described:
比基尼底部有麻烦了!邪恶的“主谋”谢尔顿·J·普兰克顿 (Sheldon J. Plankton) 再次策划窃取蟹黄派秘密配方的计划。 This time he has enlisted his army of cousins to capture all of SpongeBob's friends! Play as SpongeBob on his epic, most side-scrolly quest through Bikini Bottom ever! Explore, collect coins and spatulas, and crush obstacles as SpongeBob races to rescue his friends, defeat Plankton's minions and take back the formula. Keep an eye out for your favorite Bikini Bottom residents…you never know who you might run into!
5/22/20: Apple Arcade sees the arrival of a new dungeon crawler RPG, Towers of Everland .
Let's go on a dungeon crawl as Towers of Everland seamlessly brings together exploration, combat and RPG elements to take the player on an amazing adventure within the world of Everland. On your epic journey, test your skills in battle against the hordes of fiendish monsters you encounter, conquer all the towers you can and amass weapons and armor from hundreds of unique pieces.
5/14/20: Launched today on Apple Arcade is a fun new puzzle journey called Winding Worlds .
你离家很远。你不确定你是怎么来到这里的。 But you do know one thing: it's your calling to help your new friends, however you can. But not all of them are being cooperative…
From the award-winning studio that brought you GNOG comes Winding Worlds, a finger-wiggling puzzle-adventure about a girl, a Wurm, and how to say goodbye.
Willow just wants to mind her own business. But after she finds a broken magical necklace, she is transported on a spellbinding journey to a network of strange planets, each with a different inhabitant. Hired and guided by a mysterious cosmic Wurm, Willow's task is to find out how to help her new friends heal and move on. In Winding Worlds, join a cast of characters, big and small, in a heartwarming tale of grief, love, truth, and acceptance.
5/8/20: Apple Arcade has gained The_Otherside , a new turn-based RPG.
Otherside is a turn based RPG and strategy board game where you will control four survivors who hope to push back the shadowy threat. Make your way through each level solving puzzles, fighting monsters, and destroying the spirit anchors that threaten our dimension.
Do you have what it takes to restore the town back to normal and save the day?
5/1/20: The latest addition to Apple Arcade is the adventure title Neversong .
Upon waking from a coma, Peet's girlfriend is nowhere to be found. Investigate the screams coming from the heart of Neverwood, the increasingly bizarre behavior of the zombie grownups, and the strange truth about Peet's past in this hauntingly dreamlike fable.
—From Red Wind Field to the haunting halls of Blackfork Asylum, explore six moody, illustrative levels.
—Take on bosses, monsters, and zombie grownups with your trusty baseball bat.
—Immerse yourself in a breathtaking piano-centric soundtrack.
—Join your quirky childhood pals and trusty pet bird on an adventure to discover the truth about your recent coma.
4/17/20: Apple Arcade has gained two new titles today with Beyond Blue and A Fold Apart . The former is a deep-sea diving adventure game and the latter is a “love story in a paper world” puzzler.
Beyond Blue takes you into the near future, where you'll have the opportunity to explore the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of Mirai, a deep sea explorer and scientist. You and your newly-formed research team will use groundbreaking technologies to see, hear, and interact with the ocean in a more meaningful way than has ever been attempted. The game features an evocative narrative, exploration of an untouched world, and adventure that challenges the player to make high-stakes decisions during the crew's expedition.
And here's the description of A Fold Apart .
After career choices force them along separate paths, a Teacher and Architect vow to make their long-distance relationship work at any cost. Experience both sides of their story as the couple navigates the complexities of (mis)communication and the emotional ups and downs that separation brings. By flipping, folding, and unfolding the paper puzzles in their handcrafted worlds, you can help the couple overcome the emotional barriers of their relationship — but will love endure…?
4/10/20: The new side-scroller Scrappers is now available on Apple Arcade.
In Scrappers, up to 4 players can team up to clean up the streets of a futuristic city teeming with garbage — and trash anyone who gets in their way!
You take on the role of the Scrappers, a squad of robot garbage collectors working to clean up a grimy city of the not-so-distant future. Time is money in Junktown, and team tactics like stacking trash and passing it to teammates — much like in basketball — can boost your efficiency for bigger rewards!
But garbage collection is only part of the job. Rival teams will attack and interfere, and it's up to you to dispose of them while staying on schedule!
Teamwork is key to maximizing efficiency and achieving high scores, which in turn unlocks new characters and customization options!
4/3/20: Legend of the Sky Fish 2 , a new RPG has landed on Apple Arcade.
A hundred years have passed since the hero known as Little Red Hook ended the reign of terror of Skyfish, the Lord of the Deep Seas… and now the peace that civilization struggled so much to build is in danger again.
As the last Red Hook guardians, you and your master must use the atypical tool of your clan – the Combat Fishing Pole – as both a weapon and a grappling hook to face the rising threat.
Unveil an exciting story as you journey in a world full of intriguing characters and devious traps. Explore gorgeous landscapes and mysterious dungeons while defeating mutant abyssal creatures.
3/20/20 : Spyder is out as the latest Apple Arcade title:
Save the world with Agent 8 in this Spy-on-The-Wall adventure.
Set in a retro universe, British Spy Agency 'EP-8' has created Agent 8, the most sophisticated miniature robot spider on earth! Built using experimental technology, this itsy-bitsy superspy is equipped with all the gadgets and gizmos you'll need; cut through panels, overload terminals, flip switches, and open valves as you scurry about sabotaging the heinous plans of evil doers.
3/13/20 : New today is the “bouncy dungeon crawler” Roundguard .
Roundguard is a bouncy dungeon crawler with pinball physics, lots of loot, and a randomized castle full of oddballs. Press your luck against hordes of dangerously cute monsters and challenging roguelike elements in this all-round bouncy adventure!
If you love roguelikes & Peggle, then Roundguard is for you.
2/27/20: The makers of the highly popular Crossy Road are back with Crossy Road Castle as an Apple Arcade exclusive.
Bring your friends and see how far you can get in this endless spinning tower of arcade fun!
Keep climbing as high as you can. Every run is different.
- Play Together: Designed for cooperative arcade platforming chaos. You can also play solo, but everything's more fun with friends, right?
- Connect Easily: Connect all players on a single device with game controllers, or connect together across multiple devices (or any mix that suits you).
- Collect Everything: Unlock Crossy Chicken and friends. Dress up in silly hats.
- Find New Stuff: With procedurally generated levels and variations, your tower run will be different every time!
- Defeat an Oversized Angry Eagle: Why is it so angry?!
- Play Offline: No internet?不用担心。 Fully enjoyable offline.
2/14/20: Apple Arcade gets a new strategy game this week, Loud House: Outta Control from Nickelodeon.
2/7/20 : This week's new title is Charrua Soccer . It features retro 3D gameplay and features three modes: Friendly Match, Competitions, and Penalty Match.
You can choose player vs computer or player vs player. Charrua Soccer features simple controls with fun and challenging gameplay.
1/31/20: Secret Oops! has arrived, a multiplayer AR party game.
秘密哎呀! is an innovative cooperative local multiplayer Augmented Reality game where players try to make sure that the world's dumbest spy isn't detected.
1/24/20: The newest title for Apple Arcade is Butter Royale , a “Buttery food fight, battle royale style!”
Have the food fight of your life in Butter Royale, a multiplayer battle royale game, and be the last one standing on Butter Island. Play against 31 other players in fast–paced food battles (under 5 minutes) with the help of sauce-shooting, baguette-blasting kichen tools!
1/17: Kings of the Castle has launched today on Apple Arcade.
Speed to the rescue in this fun, multiplayer fairy tale. Save the prince before anyone else using your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple TV. But watch out for their spells.
Playing as the princess, you must use your speed, courage, and savvy sense of direction to save the prince. Avoid traps, battle enemies, jump over obstacles, and collect gems along your journey to pay a ransom for the prince's safe return.但要快点。 The dragon is hungry!
Kings of the Castle can be played solo or with others in multiplayer mode.
1/10/20: Apple Arcade's latest title is No Way Home .
Stranded in a strange galaxy, you must fight for survival using only your wits, your ship, and your party planning robot companion. Explore the universe, befriend bizarre aliens, and blast through hordes of monsters as you endaevor to find a way home.
No Way Home features hand-drawn artwork, 50+ weapons, 60 unique enemies, an immersive mission system, daily challenges, and more.
1/3/20: New today is Doomsday Vault :
Earth's climate has collapsed and your mission is to collect the precious remaining plant life and return it to the safety of the Doomsday Vault.
12/20 /19 : LEGO Builder's Journey has arrived on Apple Arcade. Here's a description of the new LEGO title:
LEGO Builder's Journey is an artistic, nonverbal puzzle adventure with meditative music where players build to solve challenges, while moving through stunning brick built universes, which showcase the endless possibilities of the creative play material and deliver a poetic narrative highlighting the importance of play in our生活。
12/12 /19 : Apple Arcade has gained the crossover action hockey game Ultimate Rivals: The Rink .
“We are ripping up the sports video game rule book and re-writing it for a new generation. We're starting with the gamer first and empowering their imagination to create the ultimate team of athletes across sports, in a way only they can envision,” said Ben Freidlin, CEO and founder of Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc. and the creator of “Ultimate Rivals.”
12/3 /19 : Apple has featured Towaga: Among Shadows on its YouTube channel. The title previously launched on in October.
In Towaga: Among Shadows you will learn to master the light in order to exorcise hordes of enraged creatures firmly set upon tearing you to shreds. Your skill and perseverence will be sorely tested while fighting on foot in the jungle or soaring through the skies above the peaks of the highest temples.
11/27/19: The newest title is an RPG from Cartoon Network based on the series Steven Universe.
- Unleash the Light — “Join the Crystal Gems for the ultimate mobile RPG. It's time to Unleash the Light!”
11/26/19: Apple shared a new video on its YouTube channel highlighting recent releases…
11/15/19: Fresh titles include:
- Rosie's Reality — “A unique and atmospheric puzzle adventure for families & friends. Play onscreen or discover Augmented Reality and experience how virtual objects come alive.”
- More coming today?
11/8/19 : New games this week bring Apple Arcade to the 100 title milestone :
- Socialable Soccer (reboot of the '90s hit)
- 变色
- Guildings
- UFO on Tape: First Contact
- Takeshi & Hiroshi
- Marble It Up: Mayhem
11/1/19: This week's releases are:
- 跳投乔恩
- 单体
- Star Fetched
- Super Mega Mini Party
- The Mosiac
Top comment by urname
已有 6 人喜欢
Wish they would get some heavier games, like an RTS (a la Starcraft) and great storyline FPS's (like Halo) into Arcade. Their hardware can definitely handle it, it would be amazing to really stretch their legs on games like these.
10/25/19: Five new titles today include:
- 堕落骑士
- 胡言乱语
- Lifelike: Chapter One
- Tales of Memo
- Yaga The Roleplaying Folktale
10/18/19: Four new games have launched on Apple Arcade:
- 弹道棒球
- 流形花园
- 吃豆人皇家派对
- Things That Go Bump
10/11/19: Apple announced new games for its subscription service today:
- 退相干
- 多数情况
- 心灵交响曲
- 减震棒
- 石碑
Here's a short summary of each title:
Decoherence :
使用各种组件构建机器人。制定策略,带您走向胜利。 Fight as a pilot alonsdie your bots in exciting PvP matches or test your mettle in the single player Entropy Tribunals experience!
An atmospheric, story-driven puzzle platformer, following three playable characters within one dark, interconnecting story. In an old abandoned castle, you'll need to explore every nook and cranny, avoid detection, slice your way through enemies and spring deadly traps in order to escape the evil that lurks within…
Mind Symphony :
Experience Music and Gameplay that emotionally and mentally impacts you. Mind Symphony sets unique gameplay to mes with musical tracks to creat an experience that makes you feel better.
ShockRods :
ShockRods is about shooting and avoiding being shot by jumping and dodging. ShockRods features solo and team games that take place in natural surroundings and future sports arenas. Your goal is ShockRods is to score points – by shooting your opponents and achieving objectives; scoring golas, stealing the other team's flag, or dealing the most descruction… As you drive your ShockRod to VICTORY!
Stela :
Stela is a cinematic, atmospheric platformer about a young woman witnessing the final days of a mysterious ancient world